How to Become a Stockist of a Product in the UK

December 17, 2022

If you own a retail store or business and are interested in carrying a new product line, becoming a stockist may be a good way to expand your offerings and attract new customers. Here is a step-by-step guide on how to become a stockist of a product in the UK.

Step 1: Research the Product and the Company

Before you can become a stockist, you need to find a product and a company that you are interested in carrying. This involves doing some research to determine the following:

  • The product’s features and benefits: What makes the product unique and how does it solve a problem or meet a need for your customers?
  • The target market: Who is the product designed for and how does it fit with your store’s existing customer base?
  • The competition: Are there other similar products available in your area and how does the product you are considering compare?
  • The company’s reputation: What is the company’s track record in terms of quality, customer service, and business practices?

Step 2: Contact the Company

Once you have identified a product and a company that you would like to work with, the next step is to contact them to inquire about becoming a stockist. There are a few different ways to do this:

  • Contact the company directly: Many companies have a contact form on their website or list a phone number or email address for inquiries. Reach out to them to introduce yourself and explain your interest in becoming a stockist.
  • Attend trade shows: Trade shows are a great way to meet with a variety of companies and learn about their products. Look for trade shows in your industry or region and make a list of the companies you would like to meet with.
  • Work with a distributor: If you are having trouble getting in touch with the company directly, or if they do not have a distribution network in place, you may be able to work with a distributor to secure the product. Distributors typically have relationships with multiple manufacturers and can help you find the products you are looking for.

Step 3: Negotiate the Terms of the Agreement

Once you have made contact with the company, the next step is to negotiate the terms of the agreement. This will typically involve discussing the following:

  • Pricing: How much will you pay for the product and what discounts or promotions will you receive?
  • Minimum order quantities: How many units of the product will you need to purchase at a time?
  • Payment terms: How and when will you be expected to pay for the product?
  • Returns and exchanges: What is the company’s policy on returns and exchanges, and how will you handle these issues with your customers?
  • Marketing and advertising: Will the company provide any support for marketing and advertising the product in your store?
  • Exclusivity: Will you be the only stockist in your area or will the company sell the product to other retailers as well?

Step 4: Place an Order and Begin Selling the Product

Once you have negotiated the terms of the agreement, the next step is to place your first order and start selling the product. This will typically involve the following:

  • Setting up inventory management: You will need to set up a system for tracking your inventory and reordering when necessary.
  • Displaying the product: Determine how you will display the product in your store and create any necessary signage or marketing materials.
  • Training your staff: Make sure your staff is familiar with the product and can answer customer questions about its features and benefits.
  • Promoting the product: Use various marketing and advertising tactics to promote the product to your customers, such as social media posts, email newsletters, in-store displays, and promotional events.

Step 5: Monitor Sales and Customer Feedback

Once you start selling the product, it is important to monitor sales and customer feedback to ensure that it is meeting your expectations. This may involve tracking sales data, collecting customer reviews, and gathering feedback from your staff. If you find that the product is not selling well or that customers are not satisfied, you may need to reevaluate your agreement with the company or consider carrying a different product.

Step 6: Evaluate and Renew the Agreement

After a period of time, you will want to evaluate the success of your agreement with the company and decide whether or not to renew it. This may involve reviewing sales data, customer feedback, and the overall performance of the product. If you decide to renew the agreement, you will need to negotiate any necessary changes to the terms and place a new order. If you decide not to renew, you will need to make arrangements to sell off any remaining inventory and transition to a new product.


Becoming a stockist of a product can be a great way to expand your offerings and attract new customers. By following the steps outlined above, you can research the product and the company, make contact, negotiate the terms of the agreement, begin selling the product, monitor sales and customer feedback, and evaluate and renew the agreement as needed. With careful planning and execution, you can successfully add a new product line to your store and grow your business.

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