Achieves Data Security and Privacy ISO 27701 Certification First Time Using Their SPoT SaaS Platform

March 1, 2023
by, the people-friendly SaaS platform empowering businesses to achieve their information security and data privacy compliance goals, today announced it has earned the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) 27701 privacy certification, further strengthening its commitment to data security and privacy. has met the rigorous qualifications of ISO 27701, a privacy extension to the international information security management standard, ISO/IEC 27001, which the company has held for over a decade and achieved re-certification for this month. ISO 27701 provides the requirements and guidance for companies to establish, implement, maintain, and continually improve their privacy information management system.

While privacy and safeguarding information were audited as part of the previously attained ISO 27001, the ISO 27701 standard expands the scope to affirm’s framework and techniques for protecting and processing individuals’ information. used its own SaaS platform, SPoT, which is the industry’s first platform to combine ISO 27001 and ISO 27701, to achieve certification, using the tool to prepare for and deliver the audit and ensure exceptional privacy information management as an ongoing process.

“’s ongoing investment and commitment to privacy leadership put us at the forefront of privacy efforts within our industry,” said Luke Dash,’s Chief Executive Officer.

“Achieving first-time certification for ISO 27701 demonstrates the effectiveness of our SPoT platform in helping organisations implement privacy and security controls consistent with the ISO framework,” said Sam Peters,’s Chief Product Officer.

“Not only has our platform shown to be highly effective, but we also have first-hand experience with the audit process. We know the shortcuts and pain points, so we’re well-placed to help other organisations through them. Ensuring our platform delivers a competitive advantage for our customers is vitally important to me. I’m looking forward to helping even more organisations achieve secure and sustainable compliance in 2023,” commented Sam Peters,’s Chief Product Officer.

SGS issued the certificate on 25th January 2023. You can view and download both our ISO/IEC 27701:2022 and ISO/IEC 27001 certificates online or speak with one of our experts for more information.

About is a leading SaaS company empowering every business to achieve simple, secure and sustainable data privacy and information security through its people-friendly platform. Headquartered in the U.K., with employees worldwide, has more than 12,000 users globally and works with a wide range of organisations — including enterprise brands like New Day, FDM, and Amigo.

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