Silverbullet and MetaRouter Unite to Pioneer a Privacy-Centric Customer Experience

July 22, 2023
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Key Takeaways

  1. Silverbullet and MetaRouter have formed a strategic partnership aimed at elevating customer experience in the era of privacy-first digital engagement.
  2. This partnership promises to deliver industry-first solutions tailored for the ongoing digital transformation initiatives.
  3. The collaboration capitalizes on MetaRouter’s first-party data collection tools and server-side Customer Data Infrastructure, promoting enhanced data security and governance.
  4. The alliance envisages a data strategy that accommodates a cookieless world, where privacy and compliance management reign supreme.

About Silverbullet

A distinguished Boutique Customer Experience (CX) Partner, Silverbullet is committed to aiding organizations in transforming their marketing customer experiences across multiple touchpoints. Leveraging data and technology investments, Silverbullet facilitates enhanced communication between businesses and their customers. The company’s global footprint spans across three regions – The Americas, Europe, and Asia Pacific.

About MetaRouter

As the pioneer in fully server-side Customer Data Infrastructure, MetaRouter is designed with a focus on performance, compliance, and control. By enabling server-to-server integrations, MetaRouter provides a platform that substitutes third-party tags and echoes their functionality. It serves a broad spectrum of the world’s largest retail, consumer packaged goods, and data-centric organizations.

Steering the Course towards a Privacy-First Era

With digital businesses prioritizing customer-centric approaches for improved engagement and higher retention, the need for data privacy regulations and alternative solutions to third-party cookies is increasingly evident. This strategic partnership between Silverbullet and MetaRouter responds to this demand, providing a unique offering to businesses undergoing substantial digital transformation.

MetaRouter’s platform, deployed on private clouds, delivers enhanced data security and governance. The advanced first-party data collection tools unlock powerful marketing, analytical, and ad-tech capabilities. Andrea Ghibaudi, Managing Director, Americas, Silverbullet, notes, “MetaRouter’s next-generation capabilities on anonymous first-party data management, activation and cross-domain tracking is a natural match for Silverbullet’s expertise.”

Redefining Customer Engagement in a Cookieless World

The partnership facilitates the transition to a world devoid of third-party browser tags or cookies, thereby accelerating website speed, boosting SEO, and increasing conversion rates. Jointly, Silverbullet and MetaRouter envisage an industry-first data strategy that operates within this cookieless world, with privacy and compliance management as critical elements.

Their combined offering will empower clients to unlock site optimization, anonymous addressability, enriched customer profiles, and real-time personalization, ushering in a new era of privacy-centric customer experiences.

Reflecting on the partnership, Jonathan von Abo, Head of Alliances at MetaRouter, shares, “Having successfully traversed the realms of DMP and CDP together, [Silverbullet has] consistently been a trusted partner… Their agility and ability to swiftly unlock technical capabilities to deliver impressive ROI for their clients perfectly aligns with our core principles…”

Navigating the Future of Data and Privacy

The collaboration between Silverbullet and MetaRouter signifies a decisive step towards an era where data privacy regulations hold center stage. By providing businesses with secure, efficient, and compliant data management tools, they are shaping the future of digital marketing, paving the way for a world where customer experiences are enhanced, all while maintaining strict privacy standards. As the global market evolves, the partnership offers a promising model for businesses seeking to navigate the shifting sands of data privacy and customer engagement.

As these two industry leaders embark on this groundbreaking venture, businesses worldwide will be watching with great interest, eager to see how their collective vision for a privacy-first digital landscape unfolds.

For more information about Silverbullet and MetaRouter, visit and, respectively.

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