Sam Matthews

Photo by Austin Distel on Unsplash

How Can I Start A Career In PPC?

PPC advertising is a digital marketing tool that can help businesses reach their target audience and drive conversions. It is one of the most popular advertising industries, which is why it is also one of the most competitive. As a PPC agency
April 22, 2023

NSC hires COO and makes three further senior appointments

As part of its ongoing strategy to further expand its customer base in the IT Services market, NSC, has made a number of significant senior appointments across its business. Newly appointed Chief Operating Officer, Gavin Bounds, who has over 30 years of
March 2, 2023
Photo by Helena Lopes on Unsplash

Why Are Work Outings Important?

The workplace relies on teamwork everyday, with different team members, often across disciplines, having to work together to achieve a common goal. As the work landscape becomes increasingly complex, working as a team can throw up many challenges and make communication more
January 26, 2023
Photo by cottonbro studio from Pexels

How To Prevent Business Cyber Attacks

The term ‘cyber attack’ refers to any unwelcome attempt made against you online: stealing, disabling or destroying information, unauthorised access, exposition, and so on. Motivations for such actions vary though can usually be categorised as personal, criminal or political. These attacks may
December 22, 2022
Photo by Andrea Piacquadio from Pexels

What Can I Use A Business Loan For?

A business loan is specifically designed to aid in funding purposes related to a business. This may involve helping to buy premises, hiring new staff alongside purchasing stock and going towards running costs. Many businesses require startup business loans and other funds
December 2, 2022

About Beststartup London

At Beststartup London, our mission is clear and significant: to encourage and aid the growth, development, and growth of startups in London. We focus on boosting the influx of capital into these startups and companies, specifically within the London area, which plays a pivotal role in the UK's economy. Our goal is to create connections between innovative, up-and-coming startups and top-tier institutional investors, aimed at overcoming the knowledge gap in information and expertise. This initiative is especially crucial considering London's substantial contribution to the UK's GDP, where it significantly influences the nation's economic health and innovation landscape.